Walking Together Into the Future
Following God the Father as His Family on a Mission
Västerås, 18-20 October 2018
Thur 19.00 Keep God in the Center in Times of Transition, Doug Kreighbaum
Fri 09.30 Handling Transition, Panel – Mats Nordén, Denise Kreighbaum, Buck Hudson, Doug Kreighbaum
Fri 11.30 Called, Recognized, Commissioned and Received, Dave Richards
Fri 14.15 Unity and How We Work, Morten Patrzalek and Stefan Löv
Fri 16.00 Group Discussion Questions, Morten Patrzalek
Fri 19.00 Unlock New Levels, Tom Bedford
Sat 09.30 Advancing the Kingdom of God Through Warfare, Dave Richards, Buck Hudson, Pernilla Wendesten, Andreas Tofters, Ingmar Aronson
Sat 11.00 The Teacher’s Role, NTS, Ingmar Aronson, Janne Sääf, and others
Sat 11.45 Commissioning of Håkan & Gunilla Gniste and the West Coast Team, Dave Richards and others